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What are some of the differences in male and female Leopards?

The male leopards tend to be slightly bigger and more heavier then the female leopards.The average adult male  leopard is about 63.1 kg. And the average female leopard is 37.2 kg. The males often have larger territories then the females. Females have white spots on the back of their tails.The spots on the back of their ears, is a sign for their cub to follow them.Female Snow Leopards mature sexually by the age of 2 or 3. On the other side the male begins to sexually develop at the age of  4. After the leopard has killed the female tends to be more obviously disturbed and nervous than the male. The reason for this is because they can get killed in an area of where a lion or hyenas live. The way the females mark their territories is they go up to a brush or tree trunk, and rub their face and head on the leaves then they turn around and spraying a few drops of urine onto the post.On the other hand, males do a lot more territorial marking of predators, like lions, for the reason that

it draws the attention of the predators, that includes humans.

    Leopard loungingin a tree

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